East Valley Republican Women's Federated IPO Program for Young Republicans (video)

This is a FREE program about the Reagan Ranch experience for Young Republicans. Here, you will hear from Jacob Whitney and Jose Pompa-Campana, about a special IPO program. 

Former La Quinta City Councilwoman, Terry Henderson Hosts. Joy Miedecke Co-Hosts. 

Imagine, if you will, both Jacob and Jose each branded as a corporation, and then deciding that they would like to sell shares in their future, using our free enterprise system. They will set aside, a date for an IPO – an Initial Public Offering. And when that day comes, there will be a mad dash to purchase shares at Ten Dollars each. The Purchaser receives a Stock Certificate and an IPO pin. 

Best of all - your ROI – a Return On Investment – makes it possible, that you may have purchased an interest in a future corporate CEO…a Senator, Governor, or even the President of the United States!

This program started ten months ago, and today, Jacob and Jose will each receive, upon graduation, a check for One Thousand, one Hundred and forty dollars ($1,140.00) towards their college assistance!

An IPO program that's both insprational and educational…and a lot of fun! 

This video was taped at Desert C.A.M. Studios/Winmill Films in La Quinta, CA, for the East Valley Republican Women's Federated.